At one year, Guyman workforce gear up for field operations

All thanks to God for how far we have come. On Sunday, 31st of May 2020, In the heat of the corona virus pandemic, I managed to gather few of my family, friends and associates at GCL Hub Ikeja, to pitch a grand scheme I have mapped out to solve pertinent problems and generate wealth for thousands. Close to a year later, Guyman is progressing well.

Read up on Guyman launch by clicking this link Guyman launch

On the 31st of May 2020, Guyman set out to implement its workforce recruitment and management strategy, which will be a precursor to field operations a year later. Today, we are live in 13 cities with over 60 independent teams. Each independent team comprising, one Benefactor (City Director), 3 Business Development Executives (City managers) and 30 Referrers (Field workers). Each BDE manages 10 field workers maximum.

Field operations milestone

Starting from July 2021 each team will begin the task of registering value providers unto the Guyman platform in their city. In addition, the needs posting feature will be open to the general public.

At that time, should you need anything, either a buyer or a service provider, a post on Guyman will connect you with several ready, willing and able value providers in real time and in an effecient way.

Our mission is to create a reliable platform that is first to your mind when in need of anything in Nigeria. This platform would remove the cost and stress of looking for a value provider. It will also be a job notification portal for value providers. Thereby, they will be able to easily connect to value seekers and make money from rendering their service.

As Guyman continues to grow, our network too will continue to grow in size and compensation. Cheers to shared prosperity.

Together, the movement continues… Together, victoria asserta.

Happy 1st birthday to Guyman, my Guy. I wish you long life and prosperity. Amen. 3 hearty cheers for you – Hurray!!! Hurray!!! Hurray!!!

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